
509 George Washington Hwy N
Chesapeake, VA 23323-2009, US
Phone: 757-487-3665
Email: [email protected]
Lake Drummond Masonic Lodge
No. 178
compass and square
A. F. & A. M.

Stated Meeting: 2nd Thursday @ 7:00 PM
Dinner: 2nd Thursday @ 6:00 PM
Work Nights: Every Other Thursday as Announced @ 7:00 PM
Refreshments: With Work Nights @ 6:00 PM

60 Year Service Awards
If there is any corrections that needs to be made or if you have any photos of the presentation that you would like to have published on this site, please attach them to an email and sent it to [email protected] .
Brother William W. Yaun, Jr.
Raised - November 11, 1958
Brother Kenneth E. Stephens, Sr.
Raised - February 19, 1959
Brother E. Lee Baynor
Raised - August 24, 1961
Worshipful Fredrick N. Boalt
Raised - April 9, 1962
Rt. Wor. John V. Matthews, Jr., LMIP
Raised - February 6, 1964